Welcome to Friends of the Goethe State Forest
We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the Goethe State Forest trails and recreational uses. Our mission is to raise funds for projects that enhance the Forest's facilities and to provide valuable information about the trails to the public. Join us in preserving and enjoying this natural treasure!
Join the Fun!
Our largest need for help is around the Taste of Goethe Event in Feb./March. We also do trail maintenance throughout the year. We'd love to hear from you!

Improvement Projects
We're friends to the Forest and to the Forest staff, helping them by contributing to infrastructure projects and trail maintenance/improvements. Join us in our work so we can all play!

Forest Resources
Helpful links to the Goethe State Forest official pages, where you can learn about trail passes, hunting schedules, controlled burns, and all the other great things to know.


About us
Our Mission:
Friends of the Goethe Forest inspires and supports responsible, recreational, non-motorized use of the Forest through its system of trails and trailheads. We seek to improve access, safety and sustainability on the trails, working in cooperation with the Forest in support of their conservation goals. Good trails protect wildlife and sensitive environments, provide healthy recreational opportunities for people and educate new generations on the value of open space preservation.
We are a 501(c)3 Florida Nonprofit Corporation with the name of Friends of Goethe, LLC.